How to Compost Paper and Cardboard Boxes

How to Compost Paper and Cardboard Boxes

The practices which are important towards achieving sustainable living include; non-use of plastics, minimizing the use of energy and using environmentally friendly products. However, one of them, the factor which is rarely taken into consideration, is that even ordinary, for example, paper and cardboard can contain great potential. These materials are normally recycled but by taking them to the compost pile then it is another opportunity to give back to the world a green color.

Another environmentally friendly procedure that will be incorporated is the use of paper and cardboard boxes for composting and this will give the following benefits. When you choose to compost these materials, you are in a position to reduce the amount of organics that end up in the landfills which in turn has a negative impact on the environment by emitting green house gases. While on the other hand paper and cardboard can be composted in order to get high quality compost which will in turn increase the fertility of the soil thus a healthy garden.

Do you want to know how to compost paper and cardboard boxes? Learn how to do it below using the simple yet efficient method. There you will read about correct storage, usage of these materials in compost pile also the benefits you are going to receive from it. Well, let me explain all that and let’s start to find out about common home items such as the use of compost chamber or activity.

Importance of composting as part of sustainable living

Adopting composting is key to practices of green living as it helps in waste management while at the same time helping in enriching the garden soil thereby promoting a healthy environment. Cardboard composite is especially useful as it means that no resources are wasted, but instead build a cycle of recycling.

When you compost boxes, you are part of a system that slows the usage of more raw materials, protect precious resources and also minimize the adverse effects of waste dumping. When crushed in the compost pile, the compostable cardboard used for the boxes contributes to bulk and carbon also referred to as ‘browns,’ which are critical in the composting process.

The carbon found in the cardboard assists in countering the nitrogen dense ‘green’ wastes such as vegetable peelages and coffee grounds to provide the right environment for decomposing microbes. Also, automobile manufactured from composted cardboard encourages soil water-holding capacity and fertility. At the same time, you are not merely discarding your cardboard to the composting bin, you are actually enriching your garden and contributing towards conservation of the earth.

Which Paper and Cardboard Products are Bio-degradable?

Don’t be tempted to proceed and compost all the paper and cardboard waste that you may have as not all types are ideal for composting. There is also a possibility that the paper and carboard items are chemically treated or coated with plastic thus should not be composted.

The most biodegradable paper that should be added to compost include: Any type of paper without any color such as newspapers, office papers, and non-coated cardboard. These disintegrate fairly quick and can be beneficial for creating the ph level equilibrium in the compost pile. Organic waste that is permitted to be composted is also the unbleached coffee filters and tea bags since they are among the easiest wastes to decompose.

Nonetheless, the usage of some types of paper should be better to be avoided. The ones with a glossy or waxy finish, for instance, magazines, and frozen foods boxes, and milk cartons among others are not compostable. That also applies to colored papers since the ink used in printing can contain high levels of toxic heavy metals.

Cardboard is a little more difficult to categorize. It is important to note that most corrugated cardboard boxes can be composted but this has to be done without any strings of tapes or staples attached to the box. It was common to hear the boxes used in carrying pizzas can be composted so long they are not oily. If in doubt it is advisable to recycle that product rather than compromise the compost by putting it through the composter.

Benefits of Composting Paper and Cardboard

Having classified the types of paper and cardboard that should be used in composting let us now turn to the benefits that accrue from composting both to the garden and to the environment.

There is a list of advantages, which can be derived from composting of paper and cardboard. They are a very successful and easy method of cutting down on waste while at the same time benefiting the health of the garden. Here's why it's a great idea:Here's why it's a great idea:

  • Nutrient-rich soil: Organic matters like papers and cardboards make the soil vitalized hence boosting the garden in terms of health and productivity.
  • Waste reduction: This in turn reduce the amount of waste that is dumped in the land filling site or in other disposal ways. The UK produces more than 12 million tons of paper and cardboard per year and a large part of it could be composted.
  • Carbon sequestration: Organics such as paper and cardboard when compost, ensure that carbon is stored hence reducing the overall release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  • Cost-effective: It is cheap because you are recycling elements that you would have otherwise considered waste and incorporated them into your garden to improve on the quality of the soil.

Steps to Compost Paper and Cardboard at Home

There are certain steps one needs to follow for getting paper and cardboard compost at home which means that the paper and cardboard must decompose properly and add nutrients to the compost pile if it is necessary.

Firstly, you will need to torn or ripped your paper and cardboard into small pieces. This tends to allow the microbes to work on a larger area of the material which consequently shortens the composting period. Secondly, make certain that the paper and cardboard which you are putting into the compost pile is one that does not contain plastic coatings or inks that may lead to a harm of the compost pile.

Next, take your shredded paper and your cardboard also and dispose it in your compost bin or in a compost pile. As for the colour you need some browns and greens in the composting,card board and paper is considered to be browns. With the browns, for every layer done, you should include a layer of greens such as vegetable peelings, grass clipping.

Lastly, turn your compost pile regularly. This aids aeration, contributing to quicker decomposition. Keep the compost moist, but not too wet. If it's too dry, it won't break down efficiently, but if it's too wet, it can become smelly and slimy.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Composting Paper and Cardboard

However, even if you are able to follow steps to compost paper and cardboard at home, you are likely to make one or two mistakes that may be time-consuming or damaging to your compost pile. Here are some pitfalls you should steer clear of:Here are some pitfalls you should steer clear of:

Ignoring the ink: They are not all friendly to composting either. Do not use magazines that are glossy and any sort of printed paper that uses colored ink. Avoid using some sort of shiny paper or even glossy cardboard or anything printed on meat and dairy product inks.

Not shredding your materials: Bur for paper or cardboard, if they are not torn or cut into fine particles then it means that they will take long time to decompose. There is some truth in the saying that the smaller you cut it the faster you can process it, so spend some time to cut your materials.

Adding too much at once: Adding a lot of paper or cardboard to the compost pile at once will upset the greens to browns ratio. They should be incorporated to a particular diet in a progressive manner.

Not maintaining the moisture balance: If there is so little moisture, then, decomposition will also be slowed down but, if there is too much moisture, then everything becomes soupy smelly mess. Composting should be done in a damp condition; however, avoid making the pile wet to the point of the formation of pools of water.

How Long Does It Take to Compost Paper and Cardboard?

You might be wondering how long paper and cardboard take to break down in the composting bin Below is the breakdown of different types of paper and their decay rate in a compost pile. Well, it is not as instant as you’d expect it would be. Papers and cardboard products usually decompose in approximately 2 to 5 months and have a biodegradation rate of 5 percent. This time frame is influenced by several parameters like the size of the material that is to be composted, the kind of composting pile and the existing climate.

If you tear your cardboard and paper into smaller parts then their rate of decomposing is fast. This is so since small pieces have more surface area and this makes them to be attacked by microbes heavily. Another factor is the type of compost pile you have It’s also important to note that the type of compost pile that you have will determine the outcome of the process. There are certain ways of composting that may speed up the process and one of them is the hot composting. Composting with heat means using hot piles and the processes in a hot pile happen faster than in a cold pile.

Lastly, environmental conditions such as temperature, moisture, and aeration significantly influence the composting process. Warmer temperatures and adequate moisture stimulate microbial activity, thus speeding up decomposition. Good aeration, on the other hand, ensures that the microbes have enough oxygen to function effectively. In a nutshell, while paper and cardboard composting isn't an overnight process, strategic actions can hasten it.

The Impact of Composting Paper and Cardboard on Your Garden

Composting paper and cardboard and applying it to the garden soil is another great way that can improve the nutrient status of the soil and therefore provide numerous advantages to the plants. This process of composting paper and cardboard makes the soil improve in organic matter so that it can support more microbes and a better formation.

Here's the impact you'll see on your garden:Here's the impact you'll see on your garden:

Improved Soil Structure: One value of composting paper and cardboard is that it improves the capacity of a soil to conserve water and nutrient. This could help to develop strong roots as per this enhanced structure suggested here.

Increased Nutrient Content: Composted materials give out basic nutrients including nitrogen, phospher and potassium which are crucial to plants.

Enhanced Microbial Activity: Briquetting promotes the use of beneficial microbes that help out in the composting process hence making the soil even more enriched.

Reduced Soil Erosion:Soil compaction is another area, where composting is beneficial since it results in better water infiltration and minimized erosion and runoff in your garden landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Compost Paper and Cardboard That Have Been Printed With Ink?

Yes, you can compost paper and cardboard printed with ink. However, it's essential you're cautious about the type of ink used, as some inks contain harmful chemicals not suitable for composting.

Is It Possible to Compost Cardboard Boxes That Have Been Treated With Chemicals or Varnishes?

While you can compost cardboard, it's not advisable to compost boxes treated with chemicals or varnishes. These substances can introduce toxins into your compost, negatively affecting its quality and potentially harming plants and soil life.

What Should I Do if My Compost Pile Is Not Breaking Down the Paper and Cardboard as Expected?

If your compost pile isn't breaking down paper and cardboard, you're probably lacking sufficient moisture or heat. Try wetting the pile or adding some green materials like grass clippings to kickstart the process.


Composting the paper and cardboard is a good practice for sustainability since it provides benefits to the garden or flower garden as well as decreases the amount of waste.

It is quite easy and by following some guidelines such as the use of eco-friendly materials it is possible to avoid some of the common errors.

Before you know it, you will have spent a few months making nutrient-rich compost for the improvement of the health of your garden.

Recycling should be also adopted as a part of the environmentally friendly culture, and people should see how waste can be transformed to wealth.

To further support sustainable practices, consider sourcing your packaging materials from an eco-conscious Packaging Supplier in Melbourne.

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